Sunday, October 7, 2007

Quotation Responses

Song Of Myself

By Walt Whitman

1.) "Who has done his day's work? Who will soonest be through with his supper? Who wishes to walk with me?"

Walt Whitman has a upfront statement in this quote. Whitman reveals to the reader in this quote is that you can never work too much in a days time and that there is always work to be done. Whitman says that no one can claim that they have done all of their work because we can always occupy our time with tasks that need to be completed. When Whitman says who will be done with their supper the soonest, he is asking who will be the one to rush through their supper so that they can continue to work. When he finally says "Who wishes to walk with me? he asks the readers if they will also follow this path that he has chosen. In life work is a major factor in not only success but wealth as well. Walt Whitman believes that their is always work to be done and we should look forward to completing our work.

2.) "You will hardly know who I am or what I mean, but I shall be good health to you nevertheless, and filter and fibre your blood."

The statement made by Whitman here reveals his opinion on judging individuals. If you are going to judge someone, Whitman believes that you should not judge them only by who they are or what they're about. From the point of view of the person who is being judged, Whitman believes that however you may judge me, I will still be a friend of you. The major lesson being made by Whitman is that we should treat everyone around us as a friend not matter how they look at you. When Whitman says, "and filter and fibre your blood." I think that what he is saying is that you should slowly show your kindness so that they may slowly begin to view you as a friend.

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